
We are a fourth-generation family farm committed to regenerative food production, in conscious partnership with our animals and land.

We believe that the closer we are to where our food is grown, the better it is for our bodies, our planet, and our palate. In 2021, we launched the Pacific Northwest’s first local skyr yogurt, hand crafted with milk from our pastured dairy cows. Our skyr is creamy, flavorful, and sustainable from soil to spoon.

Customer Reviews

“Decadent and ethereal.” —Alice

“I can honestly say this is the most amazing yogurt I have ever tasted. I am not sure how I will ever eat any other kind without being disappointed.” —Christina

“That skyr is so darn good! I’ve given up my regular skyr yogurt brand in favor of yours. Keep the goodness coming!” —Lydia

“I don’t know what ‘yogurt’ I’ve been eating for the last 27 years of my life, but your yogurt is just next level. I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to eat other yogurts again, because I’m going to compare everything else to this!” —Jillian

“Good, yummy!” —Noah (age 4)

In the Media

My Bellingham Now (November 20, 2024) We are Whatcom: Kate Steensma, fourth generation dairy farmer

Cascade PBS (September 3, 2024) Steensma Creamery preserves decades of dairy tradition

Cascadia Daily News (June 7, 2023) ‘Soil to spoon’: Steensma Creamery delivers quality close to home

Lynden Tribune (May 11, 2023) Icelandic yogurt is ‘versatile as your imagination’

Whatcom Conservation District (March 3, 2023) Conservation Stories: Steensma Creamery

Dordt University News (July 9, 2024) Steensma Creamery makes small-batch, local skyr