Ag Consulting
Ecological solutions for farmers, ranchers, and gardeners
Farming in harmony with nature for four generations has generated a wealth of experience in managing the landscape – soil, air, water, plants and animals. In addition to dairy pastures, we have grown our own fruits and vegetables since 1947, using only natural techniques to build soil and discourage pests. We are proud to host hundreds of distinct bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian and fish species on our land, as well as countless beneficial small species such as native pollinators and soil organisms. It is our philosophy that a well-managed, diverse agroecosystem food web is always stronger than a simplified monoculture.
Our consulting team has extensive professional experience in scientific research and application of agroecological principles, with long-term economic benefits for farmers and ranchers at the forefront of our work. We can help you develop management strategies for rotational grazing, native vegetation enhancement, stream and wetland corridors, and wildlife-agriculture interactions.
Past & Current Work
Bird management on dairy farms (Washington, British Columbia)
Bird management in cherries, blueberries, apples, and grapes (Washington, Oregon, Michigan, British Columbia)
Raptor habitat enhancement in crop and livestock settings (Washington, British Columbia, Hawaii)
Invasive ungulate (pigs, deer, goats, sheep) management (Hawaii)
Water quality and riparian enhancement of watersheds (Washington, British Columbia, Hawaii)
Rotational grazing layouts and management strategies with robotic and conventional milking systems (Washington, Oregon, California, Michigan, Virginia)
Private or community garden start-up and design (Washington, British Columbia)
In-person site visit or remote consultation to determine existing farm landscape and needs
Bird/fish/wildlife surveys (observation, tracking, binoculars, cameras, motion-sensors)
Soil and water surveys (sample collection)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) site mapping with land use, topography, hydrology
Management plan (recommendations, ongoing monitoring as needed)
Contact us
If you would like to learn more about potential solutions for your farm or landscape situation, whether in a small scale garden or a larger commercial farm, please contact us at
Image Source: Duvall, ES, EK Schwabe, KMM Steensma. 2023. A win-win between farmers and an apex-predator: investigating the relationship between bald eagles and dairy farms in the Pacific Northwest. Ecosphere Agroecosystems. 10 pp.
Nest boxes for raptors including American Kestrels and Barn Owls serve as a natural and effective form of pest control for managing rodents and invasive birds.